Wednesday, October 24, 2012

What reason do people have . . . to work . . . harder than—than they have to to earn a living?
I can answer that for you ’cause I’ve already worked it out for myself and argued the point with a good many men. It’s the satisfaction of feeling that you have accomplished something over . . . and above the bare necessities in life. You take a pride. . . of doing the best that you can according to your ability. . . . I don’t have to go fishing. I can quit right now . . . and be comfortable. But just as long as I draw the breath of life I’ll be down in my boat in the mornin', at six or half past six in the morning, bound somewhere, doing all that I can, as best as I can, to the best of my ability and knowledge . . . because I take a pride in doing that, somethin' I know, and I feel that I’m doing something . . . important. And I’m happier doin' that than I would be sittin' round t' the beach.
A man with a New England conscience can’t sit still. Does that answer your question?

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