Monday, September 28, 2009

i am fine.. just not happy
- 8:35 / House -sep 28 '09

Friday, September 25, 2009 on 1973 normal ave in Boring, so.,... you know where to find me now, right?
HOws paris artworld different than the nyc artworld

emmanuel perrotin:
we have more time to think and
less obligation to drink

Thursday, September 24, 2009

human condition

The guys I dated were very bad, but then again just human
and conditioned to their environment.
In that light, I will take a reformed bad boy. Those are fun. They still have that edge in the way they talk and mannerisms, but they've grown. And they've learned on their own why their former ways need mending.
Vanessa Smokin Trowel

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

One Love, One Heart
Let's get together and feel all right

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Friday, September 11, 2009

You can't always have what you want
or need......Yet.
You'll get it. One way or another.
As long as
you keep your eyes peeled
your mind clear
and your heart dedicated.
Just set your goal and never let it go.Trust me.

It's all right on time.And it's all for a reason.
You may not know the reason right away, if ever
but I can garuntee you that it is indeed there.
It's hard to believe, and it's even harder to accept
but it's true.So never look back and give a shy eye.
And never act like your life is meaningless. It's not.

Truth be told, it is a good idea to keep your eyes
on the road ahead of you...
just be sure you check the rear view mirror every once in a while
just to see and make sure the town you grew up in is still in sight.

Hang tight, never give up, never say never and never give in.
Love me.
Love you.
Love her.
Love him.
Love them.
Love us.
Love we.
Love when.

Danny Carlisle

Sunday, September 06, 2009

the princee went slowly through the forest]
his beautiful horse was silent
its hooves didn't make a sound on the moss
the branches magically spread before him
the sky was taking on the color of roses
will I be in time? the prince wondered
he remembered what the magician had told him
the night is your only enemy once it has cast its cloak
of darkness over the world
and you can't tell the shadow of a dog
from that of a wolf
you will know it is too late,
and your beautiful lady is lost forever
hurry if you love her
the princes heart was pounding.
he knew he was thinking of his beloved of the darkness
a garden in the rain is so sweet
and sad like me without you
i don't want you to die, ever
we'll always be together, my love
your little pierre
It's my new grading scheme. Female: +3. Bare belly: +2. G-string: +5. No bra: +4. Navel piercing: +1.