Wednesday, June 17, 2009
I dream of a world not afraid of color. A world where Oranges and Cyans can cohabit freely. Where Magentas and Greens hold hands with Greys and Teals. A world where no one would deny the right of a Yellow to marry a Blue. I dream of a world where the color one wears is as bold as one is.
-Chris Hemingway
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
“Jordan Lee 7/1/08
Today I think upon the nature of the mind and how little of mine I know. It wasn’t too long ago that I was of the assumption that the mind was something I used, a tool that I was given and relied on.
Only after each day of watching myself in action have I found I am, instead, just an occurance of my mind, this deeper thing that is my fate embodied.”
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Sometimes i still feel the bruise.
Filed under: intangibles
This is just to say “hello”
And to let you know
I think of you from time to time
I know I never really knew you
But somehow I miss you
And wish that you’d stayed in my life
Making contact gets harder
As the silence grows longer
And isn’t it only me
Who’d like us to see each other?
How I would hate to be a bother
The way we left it was you’d ring
I’m under no illusion
As to what I meant to you
But you made an impression
And sometimes I still feel the bruise
Sometimes I still feel the bruise
Now and then I stumble on
What I’ve misplaced but never lost
An ache I first felt long ago
Though you’ve appeared and disappeared
Throughout these past few years
I’d be surprised if you now showed
Making contact gets harder
As the silence grows longer
And why would you think of me
When you were not the one in love?
When you were not the dreamer?
When you were just the dream?
-Trembling blue stars.
I'm in a boat
On the sea
And I see
You on the shore
So sure
Of yourself
You're in a boat
On the sea
And you see
Me on the shore
So sure
Of myself
We're in a boat
All at sea
And we see
We are the same
The same
But different
-Vashti Bunyan
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
"Some people come into our lives and quickly go.
Some people move our souls to dance.
They awaken us to new understanding with the passing whisper of their wisdom.
Some people make the sky more beautiful to gaze upon.
They stay in our lives for awhile, leave footprints on our hearts
And we are never, ever the same."
Crimson Days
Every night I empty my heart, but by morning it's full again
Slow droplets of you sleep in through the night's soft caress
At dawn I overflow with thoughts of us
An aching pleasure that gives me no respite
Love cannot be contained
The neat packaging of desire splits asunder
Spilling crimson through my days
Long, languishing days that are now bruised tender with yearning
Spent searching for a fingerprint, a scent, a breath you left behind.
-Kelly Moss