my glass partner working on making a cylinder
hi gang,
i am sleepy at this moment, but cant go to bed yet becuase got hw to do still. always feel tired after glass shop. actualy i am gonna post a couple pix i took today in the glass shop. i've never known i can sweat like that. i mean, man, it won't stop. they kept dripping down from my forehead while i was heating the glass up in front of the glory hole. oh, reminds me to put something on my forehead before going in next time. tomorrow actully. the heat in the shop, u guys got to be there to udnerstand what i am talking about here. its sorta of like being in sunna room. alright, get back to work now, talk to all later
hi gang,
i am sleepy at this moment, but cant go to bed yet becuase got hw to do still. always feel tired after glass shop. actualy i am gonna post a couple pix i took today in the glass shop. i've never known i can sweat like that. i mean, man, it won't stop. they kept dripping down from my forehead while i was heating the glass up in front of the glory hole. oh, reminds me to put something on my forehead before going in next time. tomorrow actully. the heat in the shop, u guys got to be there to udnerstand what i am talking about here. its sorta of like being in sunna room. alright, get back to work now, talk to all later
hi gang,
okay what i am going to write to you today. its usually not a good thing to make a decision when you are in a state of, how you say that, i dont want to address it as a spontaneous act but its sorta of like that. so, when i think of doing something, i'll want to excecute it without giving a second thought. sometimes, its not so cleaver to make such quick call/judgement. i guess i never learn from the past experience. err.. need to change that habit definitely.
hi gang,
havent talked to you all for a while. i msn w/mumu ai ya and little win last night; that mr. is still the same. wonder how mumu can fed up with him. hehe
oh, i will have to give a buzz to vivi and mike since i had this talk w/mumu abt maybe we could all get together on one of these days.
as for me, nothing new really. fool around a bit here and there! ill bring u guys the details if theres anything up alright
peace out!
hi gang,
still remember when i i saw it happens on tv in that morning. his mom called to tell that the word trade center was crashed by the hijackers attack. we were so shocked back then. can't believe its been five years already after the attack. time flies. miss you all
hey hey
wow wow wow for the gang! i am so happy to hear all these good news. hope you all keep the good things coming and i will try to stay away from the troubles as we speak. seriously, well done guys! miss you all!
hi gang,
do you think you contradict yourself sometimes. i think i do. should stop being a butthead and focus on what i am supposed to do. yeah, wish me luck!
hi gang,
good to hear you all voice out. i am just glad that all the good things are happening now. we should keep this positive energy coming and coming.
vicky aiya: its okay if you can't fit into size 2, you will look astonish no matter what sort of wedding gown you put on. but do practice on the smile coz it comes handy later :)
fei: i am sure that you wil figure something out. i know its not easy and i am talking for myself also. rememer, you are not alone and will never be becuase we will always be there for you if you ever need to talk to someone. alright kido!
mumu monky: a job at a catering company, awesome. you are on the right track towarding things you wanna to do in the future. i am so happy for you. good work! btw, yeah my apt is such disaster i know. hehe
hi gang
i am sure you all got vivi's email. being an offical employee at apple, wow what a wonderful news. i am so happy and pround of you. :) congrats gal!
went to the santa cruz on the labor day and took some pics. there were so many ppl out there playing vallyball, swim, eating corn dog, drinking beer, and dancing salsa. really wish you were there with me.
miss you

the light house
dear all
i am sure you all have seen amy's ultra sound pic of her baby little pig. i am so happy and also excited about the great news. me and mumu were just talking about who is going to have the baby firs the other dayt and we know what the answer it now. :) congrats amy and james!